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We remember Martin Luther King Jr. on January 16, 2012, as we celebrate him and all that he did to ensure that our Civil Rights were protected. He gave his life for the movement.
#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012#MLKAustin 2012