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360 Productions of Austin had a Party on March 24, 2012 @ the Red Oak Ballroom - A Grown Folks Party You Don't Want To Miss — with Winston G. Williams, Keith Wooten Sr., Bill Hoffler, Ivan D Gray and Solomon LeDoux. Music was by DJ Hube.
"A Party With NO Purpose."
Red Oak Ballroom
2525 West Anderson Lane #365
Austin, Texas 78757
360 Productions Party (8)IMG_7053IMG_7062IMG_7061IMG_7063IMG_7064360 Productions Party (65)360 Productions Party (63)360 Productions Party (9)IMG_7065360 Productions Party (7)IMG_7068360 Productions Party (46)360 Productions Party (1)IMG_7073360 Productions Party (3)IMG_7075IMG_7077IMG_7079IMG_7080